Alhamdhulillah, the new executive commitee was elected in October 2016 and since then we have been busy organising lectures and events for the masjid. From election date to the end of 2016 we set up 6 lectures from various speakers, construction of this new website, new timetables due to be released for January 2017 and the Aid Convoy Charity day on December 25th.

This would not have been possible without the help of countless volunteers, so we say Jazaka'Allah Khair to all that help out and continue to do so.

Our goal is to provide regular events for the community to partake in and benefit from. All upcoming events are posted on the public noticeboard inside the masjid, so please ensure you take notice of them.

We are open to comments and suggestions. If you want to get in touch please call/text:


07958 672150 (Rizwan)

07757 712150 (Bilal)

07903 535832 (Safwan)

Lectures every 2 weeks will continue to take place during 2017. We are also planning a mosque open day, and another charity collection day in the future.

The executive commitee is also responsible for the day to day running of the masjid. This includes organising the Friday prayers, handling the expenses, organising the talks, running this website, overseeing the madrassah classes and more. Please get into contact with the head brother, Rizwan, if you have any questions relating to the running of the masjid.